School Board

The St Patrick's School Board is a parent body which supports the Principal.

Responsibilities include:

  • the ongoing development of the Catholic ethos of the school;
  • being consulted in relation to the appointment of a Principal;
  • supporting staff, especially the Principal, who will have the day to day responsibility for maintaining and promoting the Catholic ethos of the school;
  • exercising general oversight of the curriculum, but in accordance with any relevant requirements of Government and Catholic education authorities, and without trespassing upon areas of professional educational judgement;
  • overseeing the prudent financial management of the school, particularly with a view to ensuring access to quality education for future generations, and including planning for the provision of future facilities;
  • providing advice to the Principal on any matters referred to it by the Principal;
  • developing policies on matters referred to it by the Principal.

The St Patrick's School Board of 2024 comprises of:-

  • Tanya Wakeley
  • Zoe Lewis
  • Ben Pollock
  • Bree Watson
  • Brendon Croft
  • Gillian Croft
  • Kelly Dwyer
  • Yesmin Dever
  • Father Don White (Parish)
  • Stephen Dale (Director of Southern Schools)
  • Kim O'Shea-Hard (Principal)
  • Lucy Storey (Teacher)